Sunday, January 25, 2009

Play Hard, Sleep Hard

It's amazing how many 'tools' we use during the day to keep Davis entertained!  These two toys attach to the side of his crib and he can sit in his Bumbo chair and talk to himself for at least twenty minutes!!
We are still working on napping during the day.   Davis seems to think it's absurd that we would want him to nap on his own (without us holding him)!  On Friday he managed to take a one hour nap in our bed and this made Mommy really happy!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Keaton and Davis must have the same napping mindset. How could one possibly stay asleep longer than 10 minutes when not being held? Oh, and throw a noisy 3-year-old into the mix. The bumbo seat/mirror thing is hilarious!