Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rice Cereal, Take Two

Rice cereal wasn't so bad the second time around.  I can't say that Davis LIKED it but he didn't cry!
Get ready. Get set.


Rice Cereal, Take One

While we were in Abilene last week Keaton's mom and I decided to try out the rice cereal.  I can't say fun times were had by all. Keaton and Davis would most certainly give Rice Cereal two thumbs down!

Sweet smiles before the torture begins.

Keaton starts the protesting.

Davis is unsure of what's about to happen.

This picture really sums up the whole experience.  

We really thought Keaton was at least attempting to eat the cereal.  
We were wrong.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Playing Catch Up

This will be a picture post since I've been so delinquent lately.  We're off to Abilene tomorrow to see Matt, Andi and Baby Ryan (still in mommy's tummy) and Scott, Wendy, Casen and Keaton.  

Love this face

Davis showing his excitement at the Baby Bounce class at the library!

Clearly Mommy enjoys the class more than Davis!

Aunt Lee Lee what would we do without you?  Davis wants to hang out again soon!

Davis helping me cook dinner.  

Auntie Che Che entertaining Davis. 

Davis getting to enjoy the lush grass at the Arboretum

His 2nd favorite past time is eating his blanket.  First on the list is his fingers or even better - his whole fist.

Tummy Time

Monday, March 16, 2009


Sorry for the long absence. It took me a few days to get back in to the swing of things after our two recent trips and then we had a failed hard drive. Ouch.  Now we're dealing with lost software! iPhoto is missing so I can't download pictures from my camera.  

More to come...