Monday, February 16, 2009

Taking San Antonio by Storm

Jeff attends an annual conference in San Antonio every February and this year Davis and I decided to tag along.  We drove which meant I didn't even try to narrow down the packing list!

Here's a sample portion of the packing list:
10 outfits
4 pajamas
burp rags
2 blankets
wash cloth
bumbo chair
play mat
pack and play
stroller get the idea
This is just Davis' bags!

We left on Wednesday afternoon and thankfully we had a pretty uneventful drive. Davis slept most of the way.  We stayed at the Westin on the Riverwalk and Davis had a very positive reaction to the Heavenly Bed!  If only we would let him watch TV he would have been set.

While Daddy was at the conference Davis and I enjoyed the hotel room, played with our friends Britney and Eli (sadly I didn't get any pictures of Davis and Eli) and of course paid respects to the Alamo (Mammau, this picture is for you).

This was the longest trip Davis had taken in terms of distance and duration and all in all it was a success!


C. V. Dickson said...

The picture of Davis in bed...all propped up with his hand by his chin! So cool! Like a little man!

Wendy said...

He looks about 10 years old in that picture on the bed!

Finally an Abrigg..... said...

SO EXCITED TO FIND YOUR BLOG! :) I had no idea you guys had a little one! He's precious! Tell Jeff I said hi!! I'm 12 weeks along myself! :)

Leslie said...

The picture on the bed - he's like a minuature Jeff -even the expression! Too cute!

Britney K said...

I can't believe we didn't take any pictures! I LOVE that picture of Davis on the bed. How was New Orleans? Did y'all have another conference?