Sunday, January 4, 2009

Highlight Reel Part 1

Davis has had a fun filled 12 weeks.  The next few posts will hit the highlights!  

When he was 8 days old he went to his Daddy's fall concert at BHS!  We were both really proud of Daddy.  It's worth noting that our biggest fear was that Davis would be born the day of the concert - good thing he came the week before!

At five weeks old Davis took his first road trip to Abilene.  I was really afraid that he would cry the whole way but he went to sleep and missed the beautiful drive!  Our road trip was prompted by the birth of Keaton James Kilmer, son of my college roommate Wendy.  Keaton and Davis had due dates 9 days apart but since Davis came early and Keaton came a few days late they ended up being born four weeks apart.  This is just one of many pictures these two will take together.

By chance our trip also fell on the Saturday of the second round of playoffs for the ACU football team.  We were there to see the Wildcats score an astonishing 93 points!  Our future Wildcat was decked out in his ACU gear.


Unknown said...

the boys in their matching outfits is just about the cutest thing i've ever seen in my life.

Wendy said...

Oh, yay, we made the blog! Sorry, I'm a little behind catching up on your blog. We do have such cute boys in their little matching outfits!