Sunday, January 18, 2009

Highlight Reel Part 2

The day it snowed.

It snowed in Dallas on the day of Davis' two month doctors appointment.  When I realized it was snowing outside I was very excited and wanted to capture a picture of Davis and his first site of snow!  I quickly bundled him up in fleece from head to toe and then I threw on a sweat shirt and my crocs - it's important to mention that I had just stepped out of the shower and my hair was wet and I was not wearing socks.  You may be wondering why I mention such details but it's a key element to the next part of the story.  I grabbed the camera and Davis, stepped outside, shut the door AND locked us out of the house!  It's snowing and I'm standing outside  in the snow with a two month old and a camera. 


The story has a happy ending because within minutes I found a neighbor who let me come in her house to use her phone and track down Jeff at school.  I had to call the front office and confess to my mistake.  Jeff had to find another teacher to watch his class so that he could run home and open the door for us.  

I did get a picture of Davis and the snow so all was not lost!

1 comment:

Leslie said...

This is SO the kind of action that we share. :-) haha!